In my practice, I provide the following services:
Individual Therapy (adults, children, and adolescents)
Family Therapy
Couple’s Therapy
As a therapist, I believe that everyone is capable of creating the change that they need to feel and live better. I support the theory that every person has strengths and weaknesses and I focus on recognizing and understanding individual strengths that can be capitalized upon to resolve immediate problems and address issues that recur or persist. As a therapist, I tend to be more active than passive.
I can help you with everyday problems and problems that have been ongoing. The goal of your therapy will be unique to you. I strive to help clients heal from depression, anxiety, trauma and relationship issues. You can expect that I will listen to you and support you as you move through the therapeutic process.
Often, couples come into therapy to address a particular issue of concern. In couple’s therapy, I will help you and your partner improve your communication so that you can address and resolve the issues that are of concern to both of you. At the center of couple’s therapy is the wish to help you strengthen your relationship and relate with each other in a healthy, productive manner.
I have extensive experience working with children and their families that come to therapy for a variety of reasons. Parents are often an active part of therapy with children.
I enjoy working with families and children who are involved with or have been involved with foster care and adoption. I have found that working with children who experience difficulty with attachment issues or have been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder is extremely rewarding. I help instill hope for families experiencing challenging behaviors that can be a part of the adoption process.
Divorce Mediation & co-Parenting
Divorce Coaching, Collaboration & Mediation
Although difficult and painful, sometimes saving a marriage isn’t best for a couple or family and it is during those times that I may be of help to you. If you are thinking about or pursuing a divorce, you may consider Collaborative Divorce or Mediation, which are alternatives to traditional, litigated divorces. Both methods seek to preserve dignity and respect for the couple and family.
Collaborative Divorce and Mediation
As a fully trained Collaborative Divorce Coach and Mediator, I am committed to helping couples resolve conflicts through the use of mediation and collaboration during the challenging time of divorce or separation.
As a Divorce Coach in the Collaborative Divorce process, you can expect that I will help you navigate through the process of divorce by helping all the individuals’ involved and stay focused on moving forward, rather than looking back. If children are involved, I will help you create a parenting plan that works for you and your children. Children are unique and as such, their needs, schedules and developmental phases will be a priority in the process.
The practice of Collaborative Divorce is to settle all of the issues related to your divorce by agreement. In other words, you will be in charge of your divorce as it pertains to you individually and as it pertains to your family. You can expect reduced conflict and assistance in communicating with your partner and the attorneys who represent you both. The Collaborative Team is invested in working together to help reach agreement.
In Divorce Mediation, you agree to negotiate an outcome that will be beneficial to both individuals. You will be guided to reach a resolution in the areas of conflict including parenting plans, custody and parenting access.
Co-Parent Counseling and Parenting Plans
Co-parent counseling is not therapy. The goal is to help you identify key areas of conflict to resolve and to look to the future not the past.
In both co-parent counseling and while developing parenting plans, a watchful eye is always kept on the children. Helping you understand your child’s developmental needs now and in the future will help you make positive, thoughtful decisions about the future. Educating me about your child’s individual needs, wants and desires will help ensure that your own family’s needs are met. I am happy to use my experience to create a parenting plan that is customized specifically to address the best interests of your children.
I provide co-parent counseling to parents who are divorcing or have already divorced. During and after the difficult process of divorce, it is reasonable to expect that there will be some issues that will be challenging to resolve. You may get stuck in old patterns that didn’t work when you were together and may need assistance communicating about challenging topics. I will help you identify how to communicate more effectively and to resolve issues that are of importance to your family.
As children grow and their needs and activities change, parents often find it useful to review their parenting plan and make changes to benefit the children and the family as a whole. You can expect me to help you write a plan that is tailored to your children’s’ individual needs.
By agreement, I am happy to consult and coordinate with individual attorneys.
Guardian Ad Litem
In some cases, when parents are experiencing high conflict during their divorce, a Guardian Ad Litem is appointed by a judge through the Family Division of the Connecticut Superior Courts. I am an experienced Guardian Ad Litem and have been trained by the State of Connecticut. I am appointed to help the court make a determination about what is in the best interest of the children.
I serve as a behavioral and mental health consultant to area preschools. I help schools identify and implement strategies to help young children succeed in their learning environment as well as provide individual observations and recommendations. I also provide training to Connecticut area teachers on a variety of topics.